In-Game Name:
Steam ID:
Steam Profile (Link):
Hours on the server proof of hours:
43 Mins (Excluded from time requirement by Aydan) Yeah I know Aydan
How often can you play? (Be specific):
Every afternoon except thursdays, throughout most nights, wednesday and the weekends all day.
Who referred you for this position?(If no one type N/A):
Kinaran suggested I apply and the server was looking for staff on Thursday.
Why do you want to be this staff position(1 Paragraph min.)?
I want the position so I can contribute to improving the server and help the server grow. I love RP servers and would like to be a part of the community. I believe I am well suited because I am an experienced gamer, and have plenty of real life skills that would benefit me in being a staff member, including problem solving and conflict resolution from time in the military, and some technical skills from being a programming student. I believe i can contribute to making it a fun and welcoming environment.
You see another staff no-clipping through buildings and abusing his/her powers, how do you handle this?:
I would speak to him, and explain to him that he is abusing his powers and that it is not appropriate for a staff member to be doing that, if this does not work and the staff member continues to abuse his powers, I would speak to the staff member above him, and explain the issue and request that it be dealt with as they see fit.
You go to a sit and an individual is quite frustrated. He/she expresses his/her frustration by repeatedly saying “You suck as a Moderator”. How do you handle his/her attitude towards you?:
I would do my best to disregard said attitude. It is likely not me they are mad at, but the situation, and as such I should work to the best of my ability to resolve their problem and ensure their satisfaction. If they continue to be disrespectful, I will request they stop.
In your own words, explain each of the following: RDM (Random Death Match), RDA (Random Arrest), and NLR (New Life Rule):
RDM is randomly and pointlessly killing other players.
RDA is randomly and without reason arresting someone.
NLR means that you forget grudges and the location of your last death, and move on as if it didn't happen.
Tell us why you think you would be an exceptional staff member:
As briefly mentioned above, I believe I stand out because of my real life experience and skills. This experience leaves me a good leader, a good problem solver, and well experienced in conflict resolution. In one of my jobs, poor conflict resolution would result in death, and the other it would result in a potential loss of millions of dollars. This means that I am more experienced then most in dealing with situations and having to make hard decisions for the good of everyone. I also have largely open hours. and intend to play as much as possible and be an active part of the community.
Additional Comment(s):
Thank you for you consideration.
In-Game Name:
Steam ID:
Steam Profile (Link):
Hours on the server proof of hours:
43 Mins (Excluded from time requirement by Aydan) Yeah I know Aydan
How often can you play? (Be specific):
Every afternoon except thursdays, throughout most nights, wednesday and the weekends all day.
Who referred you for this position?(If no one type N/A):
Kinaran suggested I apply and the server was looking for staff on Thursday.
Why do you want to be this staff position(1 Paragraph min.)?
I want the position so I can contribute to improving the server and help the server grow. I love RP servers and would like to be a part of the community. I believe I am well suited because I am an experienced gamer, and have plenty of real life skills that would benefit me in being a staff member, including problem solving and conflict resolution from time in the military, and some technical skills from being a programming student. I believe i can contribute to making it a fun and welcoming environment.
You see another staff no-clipping through buildings and abusing his/her powers, how do you handle this?:
I would speak to him, and explain to him that he is abusing his powers and that it is not appropriate for a staff member to be doing that, if this does not work and the staff member continues to abuse his powers, I would speak to the staff member above him, and explain the issue and request that it be dealt with as they see fit.
You go to a sit and an individual is quite frustrated. He/she expresses his/her frustration by repeatedly saying “You suck as a Moderator”. How do you handle his/her attitude towards you?:
I would do my best to disregard said attitude. It is likely not me they are mad at, but the situation, and as such I should work to the best of my ability to resolve their problem and ensure their satisfaction. If they continue to be disrespectful, I will request they stop.
In your own words, explain each of the following: RDM (Random Death Match), RDA (Random Arrest), and NLR (New Life Rule):
RDM is randomly and pointlessly killing other players.
RDA is randomly and without reason arresting someone.
NLR means that you forget grudges and the location of your last death, and move on as if it didn't happen.
Tell us why you think you would be an exceptional staff member:
As briefly mentioned above, I believe I stand out because of my real life experience and skills. This experience leaves me a good leader, a good problem solver, and well experienced in conflict resolution. In one of my jobs, poor conflict resolution would result in death, and the other it would result in a potential loss of millions of dollars. This means that I am more experienced then most in dealing with situations and having to make hard decisions for the good of everyone. I also have largely open hours. and intend to play as much as possible and be an active part of the community.
Additional Comment(s):
Thank you for you consideration.